Broken Healthcare System: downfall of Indian Doctors


Whenever A new disease comes into the world, it takes a lots of Money, Research, and Time to make medicine for that Disease

2.6 Billion rupees are spent, when medicines are found for some Disease. And after spending so much money and time, it is not confirmed that the medicine will be work. All the money gets wasted due to a small adverse effect. So whenever a company make some medicine, patent is granted for that and for the upcoming 20 years the same innovative company will only sell the medicines, at the rate fixed by them.

If any other company wants it, they cannot manufacture and send that medicine for this 20 years the innovator company can recovered its cost. and this medicine is called Branded Medicine. And all is done, so that innovative company can get reward of their hard work and they can earn the money that they have invested. And, as soon as 20 years over, then after that, any company can manufacture and sell that medicine. And when the company manufacturers it and sells it to the market, then it is called Generic Medicine. Generic medicine is much cheaper than branded medicine, because all the companies are manufacturing it, so competition increases and all these companies will not have spent on Research and Development. So they can earned profits even at low rates.

According to FDA, generic medicine is 80-85% cheaper comparatively to a branded medicine, although generic medicine is cheaper than branded medicine, but there is no difference between the two.

Chemical composition of medicines salt, strength, everything is the same, Even if both the medicines are dissolve in any solvent there is not even a 1 second difference (Effectiveness).

But the drug company does not like generic medicine at all, because the profit that is made in branded medicines competitively generic medicine doesn't make that much profit. This is the golden time of 20 years in which there is no competition. decide the rate you want, And people have a compulsion to take medicine from you, this is very much liked by the drug companies. Drug Company means pharma companies that manufacture medicines.

So what companies do when their patent is over?

- Medicine are sold at cheap prices in the market so, they make a new version of the same medicine. Slightly changing the original compound and patenting a new name sell it in the markets at new prices 

without any competition. Now Paracetamol, is a generic medicine by making slight changes in paracetamol medicines, are sold to you under different company names. If you look carefully, the salt which is written in it is the same. In some cases, they make a new combination by mixing paracetamol and cetirizine.

- Medicine is launched in the name of a new company at high prices. if you take 600 mg of paracetamol from any company, it will work the same. there is no difference between a generic medicine and branded medicines. now the thing is,

Why would you take such a big risk and start taking generic medicines? 

The medical council of India has issued an advisory to the doctor, don't know how many times that, prescribes only generic medicine to the patients. To explain this, the government of India has established "Jan Aushadhi Centre", where only generic medicines are available. In fact in 2017, it was stated that if the doctors are not prescribing generic medicines they will be Punished, so by passing a bill an law was made regarding generic medicines, that every doctor has to follow. 

"WHO, has said on record that by using generic medicines, people will be able to get treatment for very little money".

If something is worth Rs. 1 it cannot be sold for Rs. 20 in the market. There is only one conditions, it can be sold, if the doctors tells you. Otherwise, no one in the world gives extra money for the same thing. When you got to a medical store and ask for medicine and they ask you to give the same medicine from other company? so you flatly refuse. you have this level of trust in the Doctor.


But whom you trust so much as God, that doctor prescribes you medicine from the company from which he received money. 

The pharma company has hijacked the health care system of India. these companies have the advantage of selling branded drugs, that's why pharma companies give money to doctors to sell branded drugs to the patient. Doctor gets their percentage. If you, find out in the market, then A 30% to 40% rate is going on for doctors. and foreign trips regularly are sponsored separately. 

this is the reason why doctors prescribes branded medicines instead of generic medicines.

And, if any doctors wants to work honestly also. This Pharma Companies, have sent money to the medical stores as well. 

Suppose a doctor prescribes Generic medicines so you will keep walking around with the prescription list and you will not get generic medicines, at any medical stores.

Pharma companies have used such marketing strategies, that the entire medical store is full of branded medicines. And I'm not talking about every doctor. I am talking about only those doctors who have sold their conscience.

The pharma company has injected this thing very well into the market that generic medicines is less effective, branded and expensive medicines can cure well. any medicines whether it is branded or generic comes in the markets only, after the approval of the FDA, if generic medicines was less effective, then it doesn't even enter the market. 

Generic or branded both pass from the same set of testing after that, they come to the market. Along with that, the pharmaceutical companies in India, they are manufacturing medicines in their name. And selling medicines by deducting, GST in their name distribution is being done in their name.

If any company is caught duplicating medicines, then they are punished with life imprisonment. No one will die from that medicines, but the effects will not be that good as branded medicines. 

So you must know, that if a company makes such medicine which is less effective which is even one second late to dissolve from the given standard so there is a punishment of 2 years in the law. No man will take such a big risk by opening a company.

Only generic medicines are available in government pharmacies, A man goes to a government hospital and tell his illness to the doctor. And then wait in line 6 - 7 hours at the government pharmacy and by at his turn, doctor told's that the prescription that you have, branded medicines is mentioned in it, here only generic medicines are available, so get a generic medicines prescription from the doctors. The doctors also knows that only generic medicines are available in government hospitals, after that branded medicines are written, so he have to buy medicines of that company.

If the government also makes it mandatory that doctors has to prescribes only generic medicines. then the pharma company will create a shortage of medicines in the market there is a risk of breaking the entire health system. 

India is the largest country in the world in exporting generic medicines, we provide generic medicines at the cheapest price all over the world and you are not getting generic medicines in India. there can be no greater joke than this. 

How will you identify which medicines is generic and which medicines is branded?

First thing, generic medicines are cheap and generic medicines are sold by the name of their salt. but it is not easy for everyone to understand directly. You Go to & go to the product portfolio section and enter the medicine code or name of the medicine you will get a list of generic medicines and you can also compare rates in it.

Medicines are distributed in 2 categories - Essential medicines & Non - essential medicines. essential medicines means necessary and non essential means unnecessary. 

There are 348 essential drugs in India. once the government of India add a medicine in the national list of essential medicine after that, the price of the medicine is controlled by government authorities. and pharma company lost its control, that's why the pharma company earns from non - essential drugs, by paying money, they got medicines recommended from the medical store and the doctor.

Doctors who are money- minded, who had taken the money, Along with 1 - 2 essential medicines they prescribes 5 to 9 essential medicines and the poor patient keeps looking for the medicines written by that doctor. There can be no greater "Betrayal" than this. Non - essential drugs as mentioned in the name - Unnecessary, these are the new versions of these 300 essential drugs, there are 348 essential drugs in India, and non essential drugs are more than 14,000. 

In private hospital, doctors have proper sales targets, sales review meeting are held, and the budget for every month is Fixed. There are targets from admitting the patient to the surgery, there is a Pune based NGO named SATHI. it's coordinator Abhay Shukla, surveyed and according to their report, Elective Surgery, is the first choice of doctors and hospitals. "Elective surgery is surgery, where survey is not required but even that, the doctors performs surgery". In some cases senior citizens who need to undergo surgery after a few years, they also do their surgery first to complete their target. 

Two thirds of the population are struggling with poverty, they are not getting even food, if you force them to take branded medicines, then he will surely Die. 

1 day Earning is Rs.100, if half of that money will go to medicine, then how will the country be free from this poverty? 

If someone in the house of a middle-class man, getting a major Illness then he falls below the poverty line. 

The nexus running between the doctors, pharma companies, medical stores and lab, out of this only 20% of the people can afford the medicines. And 40% of the people are such that, if they get to fall under in some major disease so they have to Borrow Money. 


Now what's the solution of all these things to the middle-class man?

See it's solution is, Health Insurance, now how do you know which category you fall in? and is health insurance necessary for you or not?

you have to ask this question if - Someone in your house gets a major illness and you have to go to the hospital, do you have Seven - Eight Lakhs Rupees? Is your financial conditions is such that without borrowing, or without getting yourself into trouble can you give this amount of money if the answer is No, then you need A health insurance. In today's date, most people understand that health insurance is a very important thing. But still, many people think it is a wastage of money. Still people have ignorance about this. 


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