Your Habits Decides Your Future !


What are you're dreams?

What are you're visions?

What are the things you see in the future ? or, the things you hope to see in your future ? 

Are you just thinking Wishfully, or are you working hard to make those dreams a reality ?

Having dreams and visions for the future are not difficult things to do. we all have them. We all dream of a future, where we are comfortable, Rich, Healthy, and Happy. We dream of a future with the best jobs, living in the best cities, being around the best people, and having the best things in life. Everyone can dream. 

The question is what are you going to do about your dreams? how will you turn your vision of the night into reality? I know what you might have heard, that if you can visualize it, then you can achieve it. I know the catchphrases, how sweet they sound to the ears, and how excited they make you feel. 

But don't be deceived, dreams do not come true just because you thought them up, or because you sat in your bedrooms, gazing at the ceiling, visualizing your dreams in details. You can visualize all you want, but here's the truth, nothing will happen unless you make it happen. Make no mistake, I'm not saying you shouldn't visualize your future, and figure it out in your head. by all means, you should. in fact, that's where it all starts. 

Your life goals, your dream future is first conceived in your mind. And it is true, without that conception, you cannot achieve any goal in the first place. but conceptualization is only the first step. maybe it's not even a step, maybe it's more of a backdrop, the platform on which you build the future that you want to have. 

Action is what makes your dreams come true. Yes, you have a future in mind, a dream career, a dream job, a dream city you want to live in, maybe even a dream spouse you want to be with, but what makes those dreams come true is how you act on them. so let me ask you, what are you doing about your dreams? what have you done? what have you left undone? what are you going to do? Your dreams might only give you direction, but it is your actions that makes them a reality. 

What really determines your future are the habits you form. Humans are creatures of habits. We are what we are today, because of the habits we formed yesterday. That's just how we are wired. We form these habits ourselves, yet they determine everything about us. you see we humans, complex beings as we are, really just one compendium of routines we call habits. Our brains just find it easier to program everything we do and, leave us on Autopilot. 

Let me explain in details - You go to bed at a particular time, you wake up at a particular time. You do this effortlessly, not so? but you realize that not everyone wakes up at same times, you do? Not everyone goes to bed at the same time that you do. So why is it that at a particular point in time, you feel like going to bed? Your body begins to shut off without your permission, and you feel you cannot help out but Succumb to nature's call. 

Whereas, not too far from you, your flat-mate or next - door neighbor doesn't have the slightest inclination to sleep. They never even think of sleeping at that time, ever. No it's not genetics. it's a habit, you have formed a habit of going to bed and waking up at a particular time, your body have adjusted to that habit and made it law for you. 

Now, without your permission, your body sends you to bed, based on the habit that you helped to form. All I have said, is to illustrate to you a vital truth- we are slaves of the habits we form, because these habits define our future. 

KOBE BRYANT, bless his soul, was more than just a basketball superstar. he was a mentality monster who understood the power of habits. he knew that if he wanted to achieve his goals, to be the best basketball player of his generation, he had to form right habits to take him where he wanted to be. This was a man who woke up at 4 am every single morning, to go to the gym to practice basketball. he could not understand what people, we're still doing in bed at 4 AM. So yes, he was also a slave to his habits, as we all are, but the difference was that he developed the right habits. 

It is often said that, a thought, when nurtured, gives birth to an action. An action, when repeated, gives birth to a behavior. A behavior when encouraged, gives birth to a habit. This means that if we go back to those dreams of your, we'll find thoughts, pictures, visions of what we want to see. those vision spur you to act. Now, this is where you have work to do. 

First, never let that dreams, that goal, that pictures of the future out of your sight. You must let it sink deep into your consciousness, till it becomes a part of your subconscious self. If you have to write your dreams on sheets of paper and paste them all over your house, DO IT. 

If you have to record positive affirmations, of your dreams and listen to them every morning, DO IT. Whatever you do, never let your dreams for your future out of sight. If you can allow those visions to marinade in your mind, the inspiration to act will burst from within you. Whatever your dreams might be, you will know the actions you need to take to actualize them. But maintaining your focus on your future goals will inspire you to act, and once you start to act, never stop acting. 

What is that thing you need to keep doing to actualize the dreams of your future? For KOBE , it was basketball practice every day. For you, it could be writing or studying, or a Specialized skills, you need to keep working at. whatever it is, never stop doing it. Remember, you are trying to form a habit, a good one. You want to become a slave to it because you know you cannot get to where you want to be without this habit. 

So there will be times, you don't feel like taking actions, that's where you have to push yourself. It is at those points that your body bends to your will to accept this new habit that you are forming. So you go again and again, with the same action. Never give up. Never take your foot off the gas. Keep pushing. 

With repetition, the habit will eventually form. Once it has become a part of you, you are a step closer to you dream. Now, you can do this for all the positive habits, you need to nurture to get to that point you want to be and to create that future you desire. The right attitude coupled with the right habits will determine how far you can go with your dreams. So are you ready to Take Action? decide what your future will be and start forming those vital habits.










Heyyy I am ROUNAK! My Vision Is To Enlarge The Connections By Providing Useful Insight & Knowledge About Ones Life.

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