Save Soil Movement


We are talking about climate change carbon emission, and various other aspects. But we are not addressing soil. Soil is the habitat, upon which zillions of lives thrives.

Once there is no richness in soil, then you have forsaken the planet in many ways. 

Why is soil becoming Extinct ?

What is happening to our soil ? why is it going away ?

We must understand, if you add organic content to sand, Sand will turn into Soil. If you remove all organic content from soil, Soil will become Sand. In normal agriculture soil, the minimum organic content should be Between 3 to 6 percent, the most minimum is 3 percent, at least this minimum to keep the soil alive, or to keep the soil as living.

The Agriculture Soil across the world is depleting. The depletion is so heavy in most countries, more than 50 percent of the top soil is already gone in the last 100 years. The nutrients level have dropped significantly the level of micronutrients you would get from your food in early 20th century to what you are getting from the same food now has dropped 90 percent. 


If you Ate 1 Orange in 1920's, what you got from it now in 2022, if you have to get the same you will have to eat Eight Oranges, this is what we have done to our food .


Every responsible scientists in the world and the United Nation (UN) agencies are clearly saying we have only 80 to 100 harvest left that means approximately,  45 - 50 years of Agriculture Soil left on the planet. By 2045, we'll be producing 40 percent less food then what we are producing right now, and our population will be 9.2 billion people. The food shortages that could manifest in the next 25 years the consequences of that is Unimaginable, civil war will unfold across the world, once there is food shortage. What we are facing now is food Extinction.


Open soils ripped by plowing  which are open to sunlight, is the basis of destruction of microbial life, so the focus should be in agriculture, AND the focus should be on seeing that land should be under the shade as much as Possible. Some kind of shades - grasses, herbs , bushes and tress. 

The microbial life in the first 12 to 15 Inches of topsoil is the basis of our Existence, it is this magic beneath our feet which has produced the life that we are. This first 12 - 15 inches of topsoil is the basis of life for 87 percent of life on this planet (including you and me). 

"Soil is the biggest ecosystem on the planet and few people know anything about it. One teaspoon of healthy soil contains more microbes than are people on earth". - JANE GOODALL

"We have to begin, to recognize that what we call our soil mother earth is a living organism" - Deepak Chopra. 

Open soils ripped by plowing  which are open to sunlight, is the basis of destruction of microbial life, so the focus should be in agriculture, AND the focus should be on seeing that land should be under the shade as much as Possible. Some kind of shades - grasses, herbs , bushes and tress. 


Conscious Planet is launching safe soil movement to bring about policy change to regenerate as a part of this - Sadhguru is riding 30,000 km across 24 countries to activate support from citizenry to assure the government long term investment will be appreciated .

So, it is extremely important, that soil Regeneration is enshrined in the policy of every government on the planet. 


Soil is a wealth, a legacy we have received from previous generations and we have to pass it on as living soil for future generations. 

We are in a cusp of time, if you do the right things now, in the next 15 to 25 years we can significantly turn this situation around, and Regenerate the soil. But, if we allow this to progress like this for another 30 to 40 years, after 40 years if we attempt this it would take 150 - 200 years, because that much loss of biodiversity would have happened .

Each one of you, should reach as many people as you can to make this happen, many global leaders and Influencers are already participating in the movement so as be a part of this and let us make this happens.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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