I was reading the book "Sell Like Crazy" yesterday.
I found one key passage there that I wanted to share with you. I know you've all heard of the Pareto principle and the 80/20 rule.
How can you use the Pareto principle to get your "dream buyer" or "ideal customer"?
The 80/20 rule of Pareto can help you find your ideal customer.
Let me explain.
We already know that 20% of your customers represent 80% of your revenue.
But within that initial 20%, the 80/20 rule also applies.
That means the top 4% of your clients (or the top 20% of your clients overall) account for 64% of your sales (calculated as 80% times 80%).
Thus, you can focus on the 4% of your customers who generate 64% of your company's revenue and, more importantly, find more clients who think like them.